Building my company with the “Attitude is Everything” policy!

31 May 19
In The DEN

The dream is free but the hustle is sold separately! What does it take to make it on your own and achieve breakthrough success? In The DEN (Dynamic Entrepreneurial Network) is a series focused on getting up-close and personal with entrepreneurs of today! These entrepreneurs have proved the naysayers wrong! This gives us an opportunity to understand their journey and learn from it.

After more than 15 years of corporate experience and few setbacks in my job, I decided to become an entrepreneur. Though the decision was not easy, circumstances made me mentally very strong to take risks and start my own venture. I faced several hurdles and still face them but it is a part of the start-up journey. Since I take adversities head on, many of my problems turned into opportunities. I believed in “Attitude is Everything” policy and this made me sail through many difficulties. I had an eye for details since I come from a Quality Management background. Being creative and out of the box thinker helped me take many firm decisions that went on to become game changers. I was confident that my decisions taken appropriately are going to yield me positive results. I am selfish in decision making as I believe that the results, positive or negative, would help or hurt me and no one else.

I joined NLSIU for a course on Cyber Laws and Cyber Forensics and this was the Eureka moment for me. There was a karmic connection between “Cyber” and me. As part of this course, I did my research on Digital India and my research paper was presented to the Union Minister of Law & Justice and IT Shri. Ravishankar Prasad. I found that there was lot to be done in the Cyber Space, without a second thought, registered my company “hin Cyber TechLegal Consulting”. I was very resilient in my thoughts, actions and results that followed. Every day is a new challenge in this business. Failures have been part of my life so I am immune to them. They don’t scare me anymore. I don’t have the fear of failure. I have lot of competition in my business. But innovation and disruption will eventually give me success. I have to keep thinking, keep working, do things differently and results will follow.

My company and I have gained visibility in a short span, thanks to various mediums available at my disposal. Since mine is an OPC (one person company), I wear multiple hats and play multiple roles. I called my services as “CybeRobustics™” and “a new-gen company with next-gen thinking” as this is the need of the hour. Passion in nation building and national security brought me to this business. Being part of several like-minded groups, organisations, network with elite, contribution to causes, taking part in discussions, forums, seminars, conferences, writing for journals and connecting with masses makes me keep going.

Being in this business is not easy. There are bound to be setbacks and failures. But I don’t allow it to affect both my personal as well as my professional life. I move on. I sign off by quoting “Aim high, Work hard, Stay humble.

About Author

RRAJESH BARDE is the Founder Director of hin Cyber TechLegal Consulting (, Bengaluru and a Cyber Laws & Cyber Forensics Alumni of National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru. He is a Digital India Researcher and a Certified Cyber Security Professional. He has 17+ years of experience in the Consulting of CybeRobustics™ Services and Software Quality Management. He has authored several white papers and online journals. He was recognized as a key contributor in making his previous company a globally recognized KM Practitioner. He has spoken at international conferences and given presentations and has been a part of several workshops, seminars and panel discussions. He is an Associate Member of National Cyber Defence Research Center.