The dream is free but the hustle is sold separately! What does it take to make it on your own and achieve breakthrough success? In The DEN (Dynamic Entrepreneurial Network) is a series focused on getting up-close and personal with entrepreneurs of today! These entrepreneurs have proved the naysayers wrong! This gives us an opportunity to understand their journey and learn from it.
Then why are only 20% of the people able to achieve their goals and dreams? Or at least begin executing them?
Because the beginning is the hardest.
The 20% of the people who actually achieve their goals or at least fail trying to achieve them are the ones who out grew the FEAR OF FAILURE. They accepted Risks, they believed in themselves and worked towards becoming successful rather than sitting back fearing failure.
And most people NEVER DARE TO GROW OUT OF IT. Which is why it’s often said that “MOST PEOPLE GIVE UP EVEN BEFORE THEY BEGIN”.
The initial leap is all it takes to be on the other side of the theory. Once you jump into it and spend a few months, you will be ready to take on anything for the rest of your life.
I (Shwetha Parshi) was among the 80% who was conditioned to only dream of a secure, risk free life. I was also told that getting an ENGINEERING degree, meant a comfortable life.
I have been a rebel. I wanted to take up Performing Arts as a career instead and fought for it as much as I could. Of course, the idea was disapproved. Then I just made up my mind to go as pre-planned by my parents. Until, I failed in my PUC. I had taken up science and it was very hard. I had never failed an entire year in my years of education, although I had failed a few small tests. This shook me! The next 2 months I worked hard to clear the supplementary so I didn’t have to lose a whole year. Thankfully I just passed and made it through PUC with bare minimum marks.
By now I knew science was not my cup of tea. I gave it a thought and decided to not listen to anyone but myself. I decided to take up Business Studies.
How Biomimic Theory was born!
I was commuting to work, at Banashankari Signal (Bangalore, India) I felt suffocated, I could not breathe. Turned around to understand the cause, it was thick smoke coming from the huge pile of garbage burning behind me on an empty site on the road side.
But it ignited some thoughts in me. Why is garbage being burnt? Why on the road side? What’s the solution to this? And so on.
I started reading up about it. I did a lot of research to find that Garbage Management is a real issue all over the world.
I decided to find solutions to it and make it my career. So BIOMIMIC THEORY was born. My partner (Naveen Gowda) and I decided to create products that would equip consumers to avoid waste generation as much as possible.
BIOMIMIC THEORY currently makes reusable alternatives to disposables. Apart from that, we also make efforts and create campaigns for awareness & education. We help people with resources and advice to start living sustainably. We are also working on services and community building activities as part of our expansion plans.
There are currently 2 communities and 1 self-help group, handcrafting our products. We emphasise on durability, quality, fair wages, ethical materials and lifetime value. We work 10+hours a day and still wake up with excitement to do new things to make this work, every single day. Passion for this cause makes it even more fulfilling. With little thought of whether our ideas will succeed or fail, we consistently keep making efforts because out of10 ideas, 8 might fail but the success of 1 or 2 will make up for all the ilures. This thought keeps us going day after day.
My partner and I decided to be part of the 20% of the people who brought their idea to life. We have been progressing very well since a year of starting this company. We don’t know whether we will succeed or fail in future. But at least we are making the effort. And that’s all that matters to us.
Success or Failure is not always in our hands. Failure after trying is not a downfall, it’s always a learning BUT FAILING WITHOUT TRYING SHOULD NOT BE AN OPTION.
To Learn more about us or about what we do Visit : www.biomimictheory.com
To connect with me please send me an invite with a note : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shwethaparshi/
To get daily updates on what we do, follow us on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biomimic.theory/
Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/biomimic.theory/